Thursday, May 20, 2010

Nobody better read this...

This trip to Korea, there's this guy, the photographer for our tour, named Eric. His name might be spelled as Erik or Erick or whatever, I don't know. I think he's pretty cute and he's really nice, though the niceness may be related to his job, I suppose. On the tour, my 2 cousins say that he likes me, and I don't think so, because I think he's nice to everybody anyway. My cousin says otherwise, and cites a proof, one lunch time and Eric's helping everyone out, lighting up the stove (it's a do it yourself grill, see), and on our table, Eric reached out in front of me, brushing by my shoulders, stretching his hand to the left, to light the stove, when, as my cousin says, he could have easily reached it from behind my cousin. I told my cousin that she's making a mountain out of a molehill.

On the other hand, on our last day in Korea, as he was selling the photographs he took, when I paid him for my photos, he sort of patted my back saying thanks but his hands lingered longer than necessary...

Am I such a clueless person that I don't recognize love when I see it? Or am I just fantasizing for some romance that does not exist?